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For years, many individuals in our workforce worked around or in buildings where asbestos or asbestos products were present. This exposure was often associated with the construction industry – such that builders, electricians, plumbers, pipe-fitters, insulation installers were often exposed to asbestos. And, this is just the short list.

In certain tragic cases, this exposure has led to serious asbestos-related injuries and, at times, death. Asbestos exposure can lead to lung cancer, a rare but deadly form of lung cancer (mesothelioma), asbestosis and other related diseases and symptoms. Any hint of asbestos exposure, or asbestos-related symptoms, therefore, must be taken seriously.

Unlike many industrial exposure cases, asbestos-related symptoms and diseases often take several years to become evident. As such, there are special rules in place which allow injured workers or other individuals exposed to asbestos to pursue compensation for such an asbestos-related injury or disease – long after the actual exposure to the building, material, substance, or product containing asbestos.

As you can imagine, this is a very complex and specialized area of the law, both in civil litigation and in the Workers’ Compensation arena. If you, a friend, or a loved one suffers from a condition related to such an exposure, please make sure that, in addition to seeking immediate medical care, you seek the advice and assistance of an attorney or law firm that provides assistance with such a complex matter.

Likewise, do not assume that asbestos-related claims are a thing of the past. Although the use of asbestos was banned many years ago, cases where individuals acquire a serious condition or disease related to such an exposure continue to this date.

Be informed and seek assistance!

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