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Limousine Accident Lawyer Serving the Inland Empire

Limousine Accident LawyerFor more than 40 years, the legal team at Heiting & Irwin has protected victims of car crashes, truck wrecks, bus and commercial carrier, and limousine collisions. Named a Top Personal Injury Attorney by Forbes Advisor in 2023, the firm’s car accident attorneys fight tenaciously to secure the maximum award for personal injury victims, and to date have recovered more than $500 million on behalf of clients. Have you been injured in a limousine accident? Consider contacting the firm today at (951) 682-6400 to schedule a free consultation with a car accident lawyer.

The Hidden Dangers of Limousine Accidents

A limousine accident can be more complicated than a collision between two private drivers. A limousine may be one of the most dangerous vehicles on the road for several reasons:

  • First, limos are longer and heavier than a typical passenger car or SUV, requiring more space to slow down, maneuver, and stop.
  • These vehicles can be unwieldy and require a wider berth to turn left or right.
  • And, limos are often filled with intoxicated, loud, and distracting revelers, groups of people having a great time celebrating. Although limousine drivers may be trained to ignore these distractions, there is no doubt that a car full of partiers can make it more difficult to concentrate on the road.

If you were a limo passenger, though, and even if you were one of the loud and fun-loving passengers when you were hurt, you still should consult with Heiting & Irwin.

Limousine drivers may spend more hours on the road than other drivers, with multiple bookings in a day. The driver is more likely to be fatigued; and, drowsy driving is a significant factor in many collisions and can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, commercial drivers (like professional limousine drivers) are among those drivers with the highest risk of drowsy driving.

What Should I Do After Being in a Limousine Accident?

The steps an accident victim takes in the hours and days following a limousine accident can make a big difference in how well they are able to recover from any injuries sustained during the crash, and whether they are able to successfully secure compensation from the party responsible for the accident. A Southern California car accident attorney from Heiting & Irwin may be able to review your case and help you understand your legal rights regarding compensation.

  • Only talk to the police after a wreck. The other driver may wish to exchange insurance information and be done with it. However, after a highway accident drivers or injured parties should always call on the authorities to keep things in order and get a report made. Law enforcement officers can facilitate the exchange of information and gather witness information and other evidence from the crash scene. If you are a passenger in the limousine and neither your driver nor the other driver has called the police, you can place the call yourself
  • Seek immediate medical attention. EMS responders are trained to diagnose “hidden injuries” from a car wreck and can help crash victims get the care they need to stabilize their health and start healing. The medical records from the crash will also help to directly link victims’ injuries to the accident, which can be important evidence for pursuing an insurance claim.
  • Keep a pain log. Accident victims should consider journaling about the impact their injuries have on day-to-day life, such as causing missed work or restricting the accident survivor’s ability to care for their family, and even the effects on one’s daily activities. Rating daily pain levels may also provide useful information for tracking medical progress. An accident victim, or their attorney if they have chosen to work with a limousine accident lawyer, may be able to use this record as evidence of the individual’s pain and suffering and diminished quality of life after the accident. Both categories may constitute compensable damages. This is important.
  • Call a lawyer. The involved drivers, the limousine company owner, or others may offer a fast settlement to keep news of the accident quiet and payouts as low as possible. However, this will not reflect the case’s true value. A California limousine accident lawyer will be able to review your situation and recommend an appropriate legal strategy.

Who Is Responsible for Paying My Medical Bills After a Limousine Accident?

Accident victims may be able to receive compensatory damages from the at-fault party for the losses they have sustained as a result of the accident. The at-fault party(ies) should be liable for all losses an accident victim incurs as a result of the limousine wreck. This may include paying for:

  • Ambulance ride or treatment at the accident scene
  • A hospital stay
  • Surgery
  • Rehabilitative treatment, like physical or occupational therapy
  • Modifications to the victim’s home or car if they are rendered disabled
  • Medications
  • all past medical and related bills and expenses – past and future
  • all loss of earnings and earning capacity (ability to earn but for the accident)
  • pain and suffering of all types resulting from the accident

Riverside Car Accident Attorneys Are on Your Side

If you have been injured in a limousine accident, you may be able to seek compensation from both the driver and their employer. However, timely action is essential to ensure that the claim is filed while evidence in support of that claim is readily available. Limousine companies (and many drivers) are often hesitant to admit causing a collision, and they may argue that it was not the fault of either the driver or their employer. A tenacious and experienced limousine accident lawyer from Heiting & Irwin will be able to defend your interests and prosecute your case against the responsible parties and companies in court and in negotiations and in mediation. Contact the firm today at (951) 682-6400 to schedule a free consultation or visit them online at