Be Safe, Stay Healthy & Be Thankful
by Richard H. Irwin
In this time of crisis, we need to get/keep a positive perspective on what is important. Of course, that can be a matter of perspective.
Let’s keep in mind that although we are giving (voluntarily or not-which I will not debate at this time) certain of our freedoms, most of us would rather be inconvenienced to some extent (again another debate), than saying goodbye to our loved ones.
Let’s use this time to cherish our families, friends, and co-workers, as well as all those individuals in health care or public services who are sacrificing so much for others- most of whom they did not even know until they came under their care. And don’t just think it, tell these people how much they mean to you-why they are important to you, a family member or friend. Be grateful and thankful. Express, as best as you can, in what way they have positively impacted your life or the lives of others.
At a time like this it is easy to forget how important it is to be openly appreciative to others. Make a point of it! Doing so will enrich their lives, as well as your own.
And, as for those friends, children or grandchildren of ours who are not able to enjoy an award or graduation ceremony, whether it is from preschool through high school, college or some other program not even related to education-let them know how important their accomplishment is, convince and/or assure them it is very meaningful and that it is something they should be very proud of accomplishing. It may not be the same as a typical award, certification or graduation ceremony, but it is no less important. Celebrate with them in one of the best ways we can-express your heartfelt pride, gratification, thanks and applaud them!
Use the same acts of kindness and expression with our coaches, teachers, mail carriers, first responders, delivery workers, medical workers, truckers, grocery workers, bank workers, military personnel and civil services workers.