Personal Injury: The Different Types of Burns
Being injured by means of a burn can have immediate and long-term consequences. Burns could happen in just about any location, which include but are not limited to:
- Home
- School
- Work
- Public Space
It is also worth mentioning that a burn can also take many different forms. This article will cover the various categories of a burn and what you should consider in the aftermath of one.
Different Levels of Burns
A burn could be medically described as a serious skin injury, which will cause some or all of the disturbed skin cells to die. The human skin is a very resilient organ. Many burn victims can recover from their burns. Some can even make a recovery without any permanent or otherwise severe health consequences. This, of course, will depend on how the victim was injured and the degree to which he or she was injured. There are devastating burns that could require immediate and emergency medical attention in order to prevent further complications or even death. In a medical perspective, there are three types of burns. These are:
- First degree burns
- Second degree burns
- Third degree burns
The different levels of burns represent the different degrees of damage that affected the skin. For instance, the first degree burns are those that are minor and usually do not require medical attention. Third degree burns, on the other hand, are the most devastating type of burns and will always require medical attention. The following list highlights some of the most common injuries that could transpire based on the degree of burn:
- First degree burns: irritated, red skin that is not blistered.
- Second degree burns: here, the skin will usually thicken and there will also be signs of blisters.
- Third degree burns: the skin will suffer injuries that will lead to it being thick and have a white and leathery appearance.
Fourth degree burns could also transpire, although they are less common. For these burns, injuries sustained will usually involve the same symptoms as a third degree burn but the injuries will surpass the skin level. Under fourth degree burns, the injuries will extend into the victim’s bones or tendons.
Common Ways in Which Burns Could Happen
A burn could be caused by a variety of different reasons. This could include, but is not limited to the following:
- Scalding could occur from hot or boiling liquids
- Chemical burns could happen from gasses or chemicals
- Electrical burns could happen from wiring incidents
- Fire induced burns could transpire from open flames caused by a candle or lighter
- Burns could also happen from an overexposure of the sun
Seeking Compensation for a Burn Caused By Someone Else’s Negligence
It is important to understand that you should always seek medical attention after a burn. This is particularly true if your burn occurred because of another’s carelessness. By seeing a medical professional, you will establish a medical record that could help your case. Furthermore, there are injuries that may seem minor at the time but could easily develop into a greater injury.
If you have been burned due to someone else’s negligence, seek medical attention immediately and seek the advice and expertise of a qualified attorney. An attorney with the right background can significantly help you receive restitution for your losses or injuries.
The attorneys at Heiting & Irwin are experienced burn injury attorneys who are dedicated to helping victims who have suffered devastating injuries because of the negligence of another. Seek the advice and support of a knowledgeable team of attorneys. Heiting & Irwin have helped thousands of victims recover restitution for their injuries.