In certain serious Workers’ Compensation cases, it is possible to have family members (usually the injured worker’s spouse) paid to take care of the injured worker.
Typically this requires a physician to recommend some form of nursing care and/or Home Health care. If it is determined that the Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier will or should pay for the provision of such services, it is often preferred, for various reasons, to have a family member provide said services on behalf of the injured worker. After all, who will have a greater interest in taking care of the injured individual – a stranger or a family member?
Assuming that the family member can provide the necessary care, it is often possible, as well as advisable, for the injured party’s attorney to negotiate with the defendant to have the family member reimbursed for said care. This is often beneficial to all the involved parties as the injured worker gets the benefit of very personalized and compassionate care. The family member can often (depending on the frequency and/or level of said care) receive up to a few thousand dollars monthly for said care and this cost to the insurance carrier is a lot less than paying for professional in-home care.
Remember, however, it all starts with a physician’s recommendation for such. If you think this applies to your case or that of a loved one, inquire of both your doctor as well as your attorney.