How an Accident Reconstruction Expert Can Help Your Car Accident Case

Some car accident claims may not be as cut-and-dry as you think, requiring additional work from your auto accident lawyer to prove what happened. The Riverside car accident attorneys at Heiting & Irwin, APLC have a variety of steps to take on your behalf to help establish your legal right to compensation.
An accident reconstruction expert can be a valuable person in your case. They give opinion testimony that could help back up your side of the story in a car accident case. Heiting
& Irwin makes sure these experts are available to you when you need them.
Turn to the car accident law firm Heiting & Irwin when you have been hurt in a car accident, and you are seeking compensation. You can schedule a free initial consultation by calling our office today.
The Accident Reconstruction Expert Backs Your Side of the Story
There are some car accidents where liability for the crash may be immediately apparent. For example, there is a strong presumption that the trailing car driver is to blame for rear-end car accidents. However, there may be other times when each driver is telling a different story about the accident. You may know conclusively in your own mind that the other driver was responsible for the crash, but we have to first overcome the story that they are reciting before you can be in a position to receive any financial compensation.
In a car accident case, it is not what you know that is important, but rather what we can prove. Before you can receive any compensation, you must show that the other driver was negligent, and you must do so by a preponderance of the evidence. In many cases, the physical evidence that your car accident law firm may gather will be enough to prove your case and entitle you to financial compensation.
In some difficult cases, your auto accident attorney may turn to an accident reconstruction expert to give their opinion about what caused the accident or exactly how the accident happened. There may be a deadlock between the two drivers’ stories. In other cases, the insurance company may be attempting to partially blame you for the accident to reduce their liability in your claim. Either way, you may need something a little extra to make or bolster your case. To be clear, the testimony of an accident reconstruction expert does not supplant the need for physical evidence. The testimony can supplement the evidence, or act as a very helpful tool when you simply cannot break the deadlock.
How the Accident Reconstruction Expert Helps Your Case
An accident reconstruction expert reviews all aspects of the accident to reach conclusions and opinions about the cause and how it unfolded. They are well-versed in the principles of math and physics. They can use things like tire marks, damage to the cars and the position of the cars at the time of the accident, or at point of rest, to recreate the crash itself. Many times, computer re-enactments and other programs can be used to prove our position.
Some areas of accident reconstruction:
- Drag Factor Analysis: This applies a mathematical equation related to individual skid marks from the accident and specific surface of the roadway where the accident happened.
- Crush Analysis: Quantifying the amount of energy that was involved necessary to cause the damage on each vehicle. Speeds, directions, actions taken can be determined.
- Time Distance Analysis: The expert takes the known variables, such as speed, distance and time, and they re-work the accident to account for changing variables.
- Event Data Recorder (EDR): most cars now have these and they can be an invaluable tool used by accident attorneys and experts in reconstructing accidents.
Of course, any expert witness needs to be able to prove that they have the qualifications and experience in order to testify, as well as the use of recognized scientific techniques in a reliable way for a judge or jury to give weight to their testimony.
Your car accident lawyer at Heiting & Irwin has worked with several accident reconstruction experts previously, so they would know who to select for your case, or whether there is a need to use one at all. A keen eye is sometimes necessary to spot the hidden issues and needs.
Contact a Riverside Car Accident Lawyer Today
Touch base with the car accident attorneys at Heiting & Irwin when you need a strong and tough advocate to deal with the insurance company. Our car accident attorneys are standing by and ready to fight for you. Contact our Riverside car accident lawyers today at 951-682-6400 to begin the legal process.